
What is Manage Your Block Software?

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For apartment block managers and Residents’ Management Companies (RMC) , the administration relating to the upkeep of the building and related tasks can prove overwhelming.  But when you use purpose-designed software for managing blocks of flats, fulfilling your responsibilities and accessing block management services and resources can be reduced from a time-consuming chore to a constructive and rewarding activity which can yield great benefits for you and your neighbours.

New apartment developments across the country are making the advantages of urban living available to more people than ever before.  From converted Victorian town houses, to improved social housing from a few decades ago, right up to the latest fashionable new inner-city developments, more and more individuals and small families are seeking to buy and rent apartments in city centres and suburbs.

Notably, apartment living is now seen as a lifestyle choice, rather than just as a temporary arrangement or a first step on the property ladder.  As part of this trend, an increasing number of residents wish to take control of the management of the buildings they occupy, in order to protect their investments and develop communities with their neighbours.  To that end, they have the opportunity to set up a Residents’ Management Company to run the block of flats.  At this point, they become a director of a non-profit making company formed to allow the residents of a building to have more control over their living circumstances.

For those lacking a business background, setting up and acting as a director of such a company can be a complex and challenging undertaking.  What’s more, since each resident in a RMC may be a leaseholder, director and shareholder all at the same time, they have to be clear about what their objectives, rights and responsibilities are in any given situation.  If the block is a freehold property administered by a Freehold Management Company, things can prove even more complicated.

In order to make the situation manageable, your RMC will need an office – not just a premises to store documents or a room to post notices, but a support network with the skills and resources to facilitate the activities of The Company and implement the decisions which are made.  Fortunately, we live in the digital age, which means that such an office does not have to be a bricks-and-mortar structure in a physical location – instead, sophisticated block management software can give you access to a virtual office which will handle your RMC’s routine activities.

The Manage Your Block Portal is an easy-to-use block management software resource, conceived and designed specifically for this application.  Just like a director of any other company can rely on their office to store and organize the information they need, the Manage Your Block Portal can file documents, schedule events, facilitate communications, and much more.  This powerful software for managing blocks of flats comes with an extensive library of tutorial media, to make acting as a director of an RMC as easy as possible, even for those with no prior experience.

To learn more about how this product facilitates block management services, contact our team on 0333 577 9070 or email